Ejder İlaç ve Kimyevi Maddeler Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (“Company”) takes steps to ensure the security of your personal data. In this regard we give importance to the processing and storage of personal data provided to us in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data number 6698 (“Data Protection Law”).

    1. Personal Data Categories Being Processed

    Personal data and special personal data categories processed by the Company are indicated below along with the relevant groups of person:

  • Identity (name, surname, birth date, Turkish Republic Citizenship number)
  • Contact information (telephone number)
  • Visual records (user profile picture)
  • Other data required to use the Website (username, password information)
  • Other information in the CV
  • Financial information
    2. Collection, Processing and Purposes of Processing of Personal Data

    Your personal data will be collected electronically through the website. Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of your use of the website and the execution of the commercial relationship between you and our Company, based on the following legal reasons listed in the Data Protection Law:

  • For the execution or performance of the contract/business relationship,
  • Processing of data is necessary for establishment, use or protection of a right,
  • Legitimate interest of the data controller,
  • Fulfilling our legal obligations,
  • Explicit approval.
    3. To Whom and For Which Purposes the Processed Personal Data May Be Transferred

    When it is required for the purposes stated above, we may transfer your personal data to our business partners, solution partners, group companies, suppliers, persons who perform services, governmental institutions and offices and/or other countries and/or to other countries, including our servers located abroad, within the scope of the conditions and purposes of processing of personal data stated in articles 8 and 9 of Data Protection Law.

    4. Data Security

    Our Company protects your personal data in full compliance with all reasonable technical and administrative security controls, which are required to be conducted according to information security standards and procedures, and at an appropriate level against the potential risks.

    5. Data Owner’s Rights

    When submitting requests regarding your rights to our Company, our Company shall respond to such request by the methods stated in this notice without any charge and within 30 days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request.

    You have the following rights:

  • Right to acknowledge whether the personal data is processed,
  • Right to request information on the matter, where personal data is processed,
  • Right to acknowledge the purpose of processing of personal data and whether the personal data is used in accordance with such purpose,
  • Right to know the third parties to whom the personal data is transmitted domestically or abroad,
  • If the personal data is processed wrongfully or deficiently, right to request for correction of the personal data and to request notification of the transaction performed in this respect to third parties, to whom personal data is transferred,
  • Right to request for deletion or disposal of the personal data,
  • Right to object to occurrence of a circumstance against the interest of the data subject, which came to existence as a result of analyzing the processed data exclusively by automatic systems,
  • Right to request for compensation for the damages incurred due to unlawful processing of personal data.
  • You can submit your applications regarding the processing of your personal data (i) in writing to our Company's Tavukçuyolu Cad Altınşehir Mah Okyanus Sk. No:3 Ümraniye/İstanbul adress or (ii) via registered e-mail, secure mobile signature, mobile signature or (iii) to by your e-mail address already in our records.Depending on the nature and method of your request, the Company may request additional confirmation in order to understand whether the applications are really yours and to protect your rights. For example, if you apply to our Company using your e-mail address already in our records, we may contact you by a different method and request you to confirm that the request is yours.

    Your requests will be finalized as soon as possible depending on the nature of the request and within 30 days at the latest, without any charge. However, if the request requires incurring a certain cost, our Company may charge you with the amounts stated in the tariff determined by the Board of Protection of Personal Data.



Thank you for your interest in Ejder Kimya. Contact us via the following channels. We would be happy to welcome you in the Ejder Kimya Office. For our company’s latest news, subscribe to our e-bulletin and follow us on social media.


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I have read and accept privacy policy.